Deadmans bay, Peter Island via Roadtown,

Steve & Carol
Sat 4 Jan 2020 18:53
We were in need of some provisions, laundry and petrol for the dive compressor so we headed off to Roadtown and stopped there for a few hours to sort everything out before heading over to Peter island and anchored in Deadman’s Bay ready for some more diving! 
We  dived the painted walls on Dead Chest island in 2012 but don’t really remember it so we decided to have another look again, we went with Nicky, Reg, Erica, Jos, Mark and this time we were joined by Marcel from Tomskii Kasten as well.  It was soon very clear why it's called the painted walls, the colours were spectacular, everywhere was covered with coral, vegetation and sponges of different colours, the pictures don’t do it justice but give you a glimpse of what it's like.
Of course we had to have drinks on the beach afterwards 
The following day we decided to do two more dives at Dead Chest - Dead Chest West and The coral garden at Dead Chest North.
Both were good dives, the first wasn’t very exciting, there were a few big lobsters, there was a green moray in a cave, not lots of fish but lots of colour again on the rocks
The Coral Garden was very pretty with lots of fans, soft corals, rocks with ledges and nooks and crannies, again large lobsters and lots of fish.