The last miles are the longest!

Steve & Carol
Tue 25 Jun 2013 09:37
49:44.12N 05:40.44W The wind increased at about 9 last night and went more southerly so we were able to sail again and have been sailing since then, we are currently 20 miles from Lizard Point, it’s cold, grey and damp – a great welcome to home waters! We have had a hitchhiker since yesterday afternoon when a racing pigeon landed after dipping its feet in the sea a few times, the poor thing didn't realise water wasn't solid for a while, but luckily landed on us and eventually took shelter under our upturned dingy on the deck, its been out for a walk this morning but isn't very tame and won’t come and say hello, at least it’s getting a ride to land i just hope its where it wants to go and not where it started from!
Hope to be in Falmouth late afternoon, early evening.