
Steve & Carol
Thu 29 Sep 2011 15:12

Well we are still here, we are actually anchored opposite Aveiro in a walled harbour at Sao Jacinto which is a fishing village. We have made friends with Walter and Annerie from a Dutch boat anchored with Kahia and us and are all having a good time enjoying the sunshine and social life. We are all still waiting for favourable wind which should come before too long - we have been here a week already, however as there is a fiesta at the weekend which we are looking forward to and are rather pleased that it looks like we will be here till next week. Yesterday Steve and myself - (possessed by what I am not sure) decided to borrow Paul and Catherine's push bikes and cycle to the next village - sounds like an OK idea however it was 12 kilometres each way! Consequently we were rather saddle sore by the time we got back, I don't think we will be doing that again in a hurry the one saving grace is that its totally flat so we didn't have any hills to tackle.