Cabo de la Vela

Steve & Carol
Thu 20 Dec 2018 23:42
The wind continued to blow for most of our stay which was great for our wind generator but made visiting other boats a VERY wet experience - the first evening Steniar and Janne invited anyone who wanted to go over for a sundowner on  Numa - he acted as a water taxi and picked those of us who took them up on the offer -  we all got slightly wet on the way there and thoroughly drenched on our way home later - poor Steniar probably regretted offering to pick everyone up as he got drenched 5 times over! 
We spoke on the SSB this morning to Sabrina on Honey Rider and Di from Canapasia, both carried on rather than stop and we were interested to hear how they got on - Cabo de la Abuja where catabatic winds can reach 40+ knots so it is important to get there in the right time window to avoid these 😃 ( we will see if we get it right) One of the boats that carried on saw 40 knots, the others had 30-35 knots and rough seas at the headlands. Most of us all agree it's best to leave on Thursday morning, however 4 boats chose to head off on Wednesday - we are happy to wait for what we think is a better weather window with less wind predicted - hopefully making a more pleasant journey for the 7 of us left.
Local fisherman the morning we left

The coast guard visiting Mora.