Villa Week 15

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sat 4 Jul 2020 23:57
Week Fifteen at Sleeping Indian
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Sunday the 28th of June. My Sixtieth Birthday. First thing we had a video call from Team Tinson – Kate, Mark, Jack and Seth sang Happy Birthday and we enjoyed a lovely catch up. Then Miffy, Rachel, Andrew and Edward video called and after they had all sung the boys showed me the cards they had made for me and a bag of money to spend. Just as we were thinking of breakfast a surprise video call from Kimi in the USVI’s, sadly Trevor was at work but Kimi filled us with their news. Three wonderful calls. No sooner than Bear was nearly ready to serve ‘Birthday eggs’............
.......Lord and Lady Ronnie appeared with gifts, bits and bobs in a blue sparkly bag bearing the Absolute Properties logo (a pinny, a key float, spectacle strap, beer coolers and the latest Jimmy Buffett CD). How smashing.
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After eggs in bed and opening my card from Bear we watched a couple of episodes of Designated Survivor then we dug out the other two loungers stacked on the beds in the front bedroom and put them in place on the deck. Another surprise was on my stomp screen, a cake with six candles. Clicking to time then date, I found a tiny cake. Miffy called again, this time to show us the boys whizzing around on their hover carts and him on his stand-up one. Great fun to watch them spinning and giggling.
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A ‘birthday swim’ and shell hunt.
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We made a couple really laugh as they paddled by stopping to admire their beach umbrella. We think they could sell many in this particular design......we took the long way for me to get my stomps in by walking to the far end of the beach and popping out on the ‘posh finger’ road.
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I enjoyed studying a ‘layered’ planting in a garden but decided ours was just too small and without a gardener to tend in our absences things would get too wild and big. Very surprised to see a bougainvillea with its tiny white flowers happy in such a shallow tub (no more than eight inches high).
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A not so ‘posh One Careful Owner with a view.........going on for seven o’clock we headed back to play a couple of games, the day passed so easily. Cake, ice cream and candle in bed after steak, new potatoes and salad, all washed down with a lovely rose. Time to read my birthday messages. Not the sixtieth I had planned but a lovely day with my fella.
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Monday the 29th. I sorted two folders, one to hold all appliance installation instructions, the other on how to use them. Top coat on one headboard and first coat on the mirror from the front bedroom. Meanwhile, Bear made a template for the upper balcony wires and in minutes the whole job was done and dusted. Late afternoon we went for a swim and collected another pot of shells for our plant troughs.
Tuesday the 30th. Painters a no show, thoroughly fed up Bear hung the lanterns back where they should be. I did a first gloss coat on the staircase and a top coat on another headboard for the front bedroom. After lunch we pottered for a while and Bear hired a car for the morrow big enough to collect the furniture glass.
Bear raised a smile as he put the lanterns back in place around the patio and then we went to the beach. The first time we actually sat rather than just going for a swim. We collected more shells for the flower troughs and by the time we got in and showered it was supper time.
Wednesday the 1st of July. We arrived at the Immigration Office at nine for our nine thirty appointment. Let’s just say we left at one with three more months and leave it at that.... Outside we saw the lowest number plate we have yet seen (bearing in mind they are now in the near sixty thousand). We went to pick up a few bits from the importer, had a super time at a real, proper nursery coming away with two bougainvillea, four, tiny, pretty pink aloe and a black trailing plant with tiny white flowers that I will separate to make eight little plants. Buoyed up with this joyful experience we headed to the glass shop. The first measurement was a quarter of an inch short..... and on it went and the round piece for the dining table hadn’t been polished.......growling but not surprised the foreman, his assistant and the front desk lady all agreed that once sorted they would deliver. On we went.
Loved this house we passed.
After the usual round of DIY shops for more bits and bobs we drove beyond Jolly to watch the sunset at Deadwood Beach.
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Thursday the 2nd. We were both thoroughly cheesed off when it became obvious the painters were not going to come. All I could manage was messing about with plants that I did on the upstairs balcony. Three troughs for the front garden to stand on the edge where Mr. Terminix needs to make his small trench next year and three ‘bodger bottoms’ for the deck that we harvested from the beach – the parent plants are making sooooo many babies at this time of year. Bear pottered, swept and tidied in readiness for the painters..... and checked in on me often. Talk about low spirits.
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Friday the 3rd. Waited for the painters......Mmmmm. Managed a few little jobs but nothing of great import. Had an extensive planning meeting and stopped to admire the deck from below and above. Went for a swim.
Saturday the 4th. After breakfast Bear spent a long time getting the larder into the correct position as the rest will line up with it. I tiled the downstairs toilet splashback and Bear stopped to cut the white borders for me. I finished and set about the tiles I could fit in the kitchen window and Yehaa Bear fitted the cupboard over the fridge as well as the one next to it and what a pose...... A bit fed up that we should have been showing a ‘before’ and ‘after’ kitchen picture but It Is What It Is..... At five we went for a swim and as a treat I made the hard worker chicken stew, roast potatoes and parsnips. After showers we took our supper upstairs (I had salad and spam as my treat) to watch some more episodes of The Sinner, great series, well written......yet another week finishes.
                     I DESPAIR OF THE PAINTERS