Just for Us

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sat 8 Aug 2009 22:59

May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
The sun shine warm upon your face
The rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.


Sadly we lost Mum on the 8th of August 2009.
Our last pictures with Mum
Some Memories, before my time
The family
Fun Times, fond memories - Our trip with them to The Holy Land - others commented that we were always seen laughing and having fun. Double strength lager also helped.
The best ever fun. When mum put a rolled up sugar packet into the mouth of lunch, a St Peter's Fish, caught in the Sea of Galilee and said "I told you to pack up smoking".
She cried laughing and was quite helpless for some time.


Brean Cemetery.
If you turn left before the main entrance to the cemetery, seen above, you walk over a wooden bridge, which is above a brook which mum and dad would love. Return to the main gate.
You come to a little memorial garden. Mum and dad are to the right of the bench.


When Mum walked on to the boat for her final journey, we were saddened to see her go. As we stood on this shore watching her boat sail away, we grieved as we loved her and will miss her greatly. We watched with heavy hearts until her boat disappeared over the horizon.
We all know that boats don't "disappear" as they cross the horizon. They continue on to distant shores. And on that distant shore waiting, are the loved ones and friends of mum, waiting for her boat to arrive, eager to welcome her home.
Her parents, brother, sisters and friends who had gone ahead, watching and waiting and oh, what a great time there was, when her boat arrived.
We keep this thought in our hearts - we are now saddened by Mums home going. Whenever we see a boat at sea, perhaps on the distant horizon or as a photograph of a boat at sea in a beautiful sunset, we will take a moment to remember the joy of Mum’s arrival on that "other shore" and know her final journey was with Dad as they were reunited forever.

ALL IN ALL ……………………………….....