Day 2

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Thu 19 May 2011 22:14
Day 2
Number 1 for Bear
It had rained heavily in the night so Jeff decided that it would be best if we returned to our same spot - some of the other free pegs were very muddy or bitterly cold in the easterly winds. After once again going for a stunning breakfast we settled at Little Hoople; today - once again would be a challenge for the second time. Bear and I settled - however he caught two (total 5) and I remained at zero. Jeff offered me a tutorial to check if I was doing anything wrong, but I said "that would be like riding a bike with stabilisers" - I so wanted to fly solo - Jeff saw the point and let me bash on.  
 I only became a little disgruntled when I wandered over to take some pictures of a frog who got leery if Bear went too close with the end of his rod. What I also saw were many carp getting to Bear and not going any further. In the few minutes it took to get these frog shots of Bear's new friend -  it became apparent that the few visiting carp proved it was TIME TO MOVE PEPE.
Twenty minutes after Pepe moved - her first chap - my account is open.
There was a considerable amount of stroking involved in my second catch = no cheesy grins at all........ Too worried to try for a professional / photographic hold - actually all I wanted to do was revel in my new personal best (PB) - 28 pounds.
My third was a textbook delight
Watched by a blackbird and some painted turtles - Tally Bear 5. Pepe 3. Heaviest = Pepe's 28 pounder