Week 6 Villa - Part One

Beez Neez now Chy Whella
Big Bear and Pepe Millard
Sat 2 May 2020 23:47
Our Sixth Week at Sleeping Indian, Jolly Harbour – Part One
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Sunday the 26th of April
. After our traditional Sunday boiled eggs, heaven to say the very least, I settled to finish last week’s blog while Bear did some internet research. We have some very unusual electricity here, a mix of 120 and 240 volts and some very strange plug holes that Bear hopes to ‘modify’. Then we both worked side by side on the upstairs patio. It was fun, me on the ladder, Bear on the step ladder working our way along the ceiling. Yes, but why did I have the outside edge in a stiff breeze with the big drop. Because I had more to paint and do it quicker (hurricane shutter box as well as my half of the the ceiling). Just to keep Himself from tripping over his pouting lip, I took to the stepladder to do the outer overhang with Bear holding the paint pot with one hand and me with the other – by my knickers – how would they stop anyone from falling......, yes but at least they would act as a parachute due to their significant size. Have you ever seen anyone realise that they were in clear and imminent danger after letting something unsolicited fall from their lips....... Recompense was a loaded cappo. Least I could do judging by the ‘stop a speeding train’ look that flashed in front of me, way too scary.
The real comedy occurred when I asked my beautiful assistant to open the second of our three ‘big boy pots’ of emulsion. To save opening the huge lid there is a little plastic pull cord attached to a two inch re-sealable plug which he indeed pulled and managed to splatter me from hips to feet and himself from glasses to chest.......Mmmm....
At five o’clock we went to the front garden to do some serious pruning, cannot look at this mess any longer and we have the skip to fill. Bear removed the big rocks from the front, initially they were hoyed in the skip then I made him dumpster dive to retrieve them for the rockery. What am I supposed to say about that......, payback for the parachute comment. I better stay very silent then hadn’t I, good choice. Now we can see what can stay and what has to move or face the skip. We packed up at six thirty and I lost at Mex Train. Butter chicken and rice upstairs watching some animal programs before long showers. Not a bad days work, especially for a Sunday...
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Monday the 27th. Bear put my cup of tea and breakfast carrot along with my tablets, on a plate on the table outside. I came down to find this little madam had pushed my medicaments all over the place. Huh. Jane (new property manager) came at ten – on the dot, love at first sight. Efficient, straight and countless other complimentary descriptive words. We mentioned that our small gas cylinder was empty and the big one was almost used “No problem, we keep some full small ones at home, drop it off in the morning and order a big one that will be collected this afternoon and delivered full on Thursday.” Wow. We chatted for a couple of hours and booked a follow-up meeting for tomorrow at two along with Ian (hubby) a builder who will go through our needs. The skip after yesterday, hope to fill it much more today as we attack the garden in a serious way. First job for Bear was to pull out a scraggy bit of tree.
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Next task was to dig out the remnants of a dead palm which made quite a hole. We stood for a while discussing the four huge African milkwood cacti – vicious things and as soon as you prune them they drip ’milk’ everywhere. The garden is just too small to warrant such dominant, nasty things so the two on the left have been put on death row. For now, Bear got down to scraping and bagging as many chippings as he could save (expensive here) then loosening the topsoil with his small crowbar. I scooped with my trowel and slowly we began to go from left to right. It was clear that in the past five or six yards of topsoil was hoyed across the patch making it too high for the path and drive, too many plants were put in with no consideration for spacing over time, and we found the mud had piled around the base of the carport upright rotting the bottom six inches........that will need to be chopped out and a concrete inset to make it up – yet another job found. Richard and Joel dropped the new air con units off.
Tuesday the 28th. First thing as promised, Jane and husband Ian arrived with a full, small gas cylinder. We spent four hours in the garden, showered and prepped some snacks for a proper visit from Jane and Ian. Due to their efficiency and doing exactly what they say I have named herself Lady Ronnie (after the Ronseal advert, it does what it says on the tin, so Ian has to be Lord Ron). How can we have guests during lockdown ??? Well, businesses here can now carry on as usual with the compulsory wearing of facemasks. Lord Ron was here to look at the work we need doing in readiness for a quote and Lady Ronnie to go through villa management and information we need re suppliers, internet, television etc as we move to Absolute Properties. Lady Ronnie has a self-set limit of forty rental places to keep up her high standards, we are lucky to slip in at number thirty-nine after she lost two (one died, one sold). The fact that several sherbets were consumed was by the by but my notebook was filling with telephone numbers and contacts for this and that. The lovely pair had to leave at five forty-five to ensure being home before curfew at six. We were both shattered and soon fell into bed at half eight, only managing one episode of Lucifer (well we do get up between half five and six, mmmm nothing to do with the alcohol consumed, well, that may also add to the reason).
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Wednesday the 29th. Jane popped in just after breakfast and whisked us up the road to see a villa that Ian has just finished with a tiled deck instead of wood – oh, it looked gorgeous all the way from the door to the dock edge, beautifully level. Them we looked at the the staircase, equally gorgeous, so hope they are within our budget. Back to ours and we continued the leveling of the garden. Decision taken, out came Bear’s saw and down came the incredibly heavy branches of the offending milkwoods. My beautiful assistant waggled the first stump and with a bit of brute force and out it came with a satisfying pop. We can finally see some garden,
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Richard and Joel came to start work on fitting the bedroom air cons. First, unhitching the outdoor bit used by both rooms and then they set about removing the units upstairs.
They managed to get the new one up in the front bedroom but will connect it when they come back. We have said if any household emergencies come up they should deal with them as we are in no rush. We had a planning meeting over the upstairs balcony as budget will not allow for the shiny steel uprights we have decided on a new wooden top bar and wires through the original uprights, if we can varnish or paint to a decent standard as replacing will be a major headache. Lovely emails back and forth with Shana (the website lady) who has already changed our property management details.
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The current look of our bedroom wall. Cannot wait for Adam to collect our curtains (currently in store in Plymouth) and post them out to us as the old yellow jobs from the lounge are quite horrid. Bear has a swingy arm for the television so it can sit away from said curtains. A pretty ugly hole but it gives us a clue as to the gap between the outer and inner walls. The boys are going to tidy up the Heath Robinson wiring before they hang our air con unit.
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An interesting working girl went by and our faithful little gecko enjoyed a bit of sandwich.
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Meanwhile, back in the garden it was time for some destructive fun. The poorly looking palm in the ugly pot (of which there are two) were starving and horribly root-bound. No way could we get pull or dig them out, nothing for it then, out came my trusty little club hammer. With some glee the first clonk split the offending thing and soon bits were flying in the skip. Pure joy and great fun to watch.
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No way was I going to dig a hole big enough for the whole thing so we got to work with Bear’s saw and trimmed it in half. Digging out took ages using the crowbar and trowel but eventually I was throwing a bucket of water and some honey (poor man’s rooting powder) in the new home for the poorly chap who had long ago given up looking a lush green. We hope he will shoot up, leggy, but taller than the milkwoods.
We finally got the patch level, I painted between us (and the neighbours drive to our right) the slate grey that the drive will be and transplanted the sharp and blood-letting chap that had been in the corner (Bear is seen keeping at a respectful distance). It really is brutally sharp. We looked him up later - Wiki says:

Euphorbia milii, the crown of thorns, Christ plant, or Christ thorn, called Corona de Cristo in Latin America (coroa-de-cristo in Brazil), is a species of flowering plant in the spurge family Euphorbiaciae, native to Madagascar. The species name commemorates Baron Milius, once Governor of Réunion, who introduced the species to France in 1821. It is imagined that the species was introduced to the Middle East in ancient times, and legend associates it with the crown of thorns worn by Christ.

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We bought blue shade screen in Cape Town to make a sort of roller blind using curtain tracks as seen when we visited Mary and Rod, but since we purchased a real one from next-door-but-three it became obsolete. Plan, to put up a wooden frame around the top edge of the car port ceiling, staple a layer of the shade cloth to protect the wood panels when we get bougainvillea trailing over the top as it will give them something to grab hold of. Having measured our needs on the lounge floor we had enough to use as weed guard on the patch, then it was time to spread the chippings we had saved. Bear has been pondering and mulling, you know I like to mull. In the recess to the right of the front door is going to be a proper shower – OK then, the original plan was to put a tap and seat for folks to wash sandy feet on returning from the beach.

Time for a game, supper, showers and fall into bed.
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