A quick stop over in Townsville

John & Jane Craven
Tue 10 Mar 2015 23:03
Back in the east coast again. We had a one night stop here after another long drive before we head up to Cairns tomorrow. Townsville is very quiet! One thing you do notice is the change in climate. Whilst it is much cooler here, only about 30-32 degrees, as it is tropical here it is very humid and very sweaty! Humidity aside, the weather is generally a little unpredictable right now, we even had a short shower on the way here, not enough to clean the car though, it is still covered in bugs! We have been checking the forecasts after a cyclone warning for the northern part of the state and have decided that we will rent a small apartment in Cairns rather than camp as the winds are forecast into the high 30s and 40s for the next few days! It will be a whole lot more comfortable than hiding out in a tent - at least we won't have to cross a field in the rain to go to the loo!

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John scraping the bodies off the car!

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