Exploring The Saintes - the re-launch of the 'Blue Meanie'

John & Jane Craven
Thu 17 Nov 2011 16:56
After a morning of jobs yesterday, and spending some time ashore in the town, we decided to go a bit further afield.  The smaller, closer islands are perfect for exploring with the canoe, and for the further ones the dinghy is the easiest way to travel.  First job though, blow up canoe, this was obviously John's job,


Once blown up, we decided a rest and some lunch was in order - you can't do too much too quickly in this heat!! Getting in the canoe was interesting - we had forgotten how wobbly it was! We set off and paddled out to a reef just along the shore line from the town - you can see it from the boat and it is just on the headland - not too far for a first attempt.  After about 5 minutes of squabbling about who was paddling most (probably John at the back), and who was responsible for sending us round in circles, (probably me), we got into a rhythm.  There is a hotel near the reef so we tied the canoe to their dock and jumped in - nearly turning the flipping thing over and loosing our stuff - at least it was shallow there.  Snorkelling on the reef was lovely and there were lots of fish swimming about, unfortunately we no longer have an underwater camera so you will have to take my word for it!  We came back to the canoe which was tied up in water about chest height.  Some amazingly acrobatic and well balanced moves got us both back on board and we set off to the dive shop to book a dive for tomorrow - which after a long paddle across the bay was shut!  Coming back I was paddling less than John due to slight concussion caused by being hit on the head 3 times with John's paddle (he claims that it was accidental!).  
We eventually booked with the dive shop in town and went for sundowners - large rum punches!  Although they say they are mixed with fruit juice they have very little in them except lots of rum.  

    Sipping sundowners

  This is the sunset we could see as we sat sipping them.  

Tomorrow we go diving and will hopefully see a bit more of the area from the boat.