New York City!

John & Jane Craven
Wed 24 Oct 2012 22:44
Having had such a great time in Mystic, it was a shame to leave but we were heading to New York City to meet up with Lance & Heather Shepherd who were over here celebrating their 25th Wedding Anniversary. We had planned that the trip would take 3 days, with an overnight stop at Port Jefferson and Oyster Bay on the way. Thursday was another great day, lots of sunshine and perfect wind conditions, which was a blessing as we had to manoeuvre our way out from between the four piles we were tied to. With a lot of good luck and Team Craven making their best efforts, we slipped out perfectly and headed on our way - phew!!! We had been stressing about getting out of the slip since we berthed up there four weeks ago!
We took a mooring in Port Jefferson, but as the marinas are now on winter schedules, but not winter prices, the launch service stopped running at 6pm so we decided to stay on board for the night. The next day we woke up early to torrential rain and a howling wind - marvellous. It was so bad that we decided to stay another night and have a longer trip into NYC on Saturday. When we went ashore in the afternoon, both of us decided we needed a new hobby to pass the time on wet rainy days, John bought 2 jigsaws, and I bought wool and needles to knit a scarf which John promptly decided should be for him. I am not sure when it will be finished but he has requested that it be done by Halloween - we will see.
On Saturday we made our way back along the East River into NYC passing all the iconic landmarks on the way, such as the Chrysler Building, the Brooklyn Bridge etc. As we turned the corner into the canal where the marina is based, we were greeted by a frantically yelling and waving Heather on the shore, and by Lance on the dock waiting to take our lines. It was fab having a welcome party - we have not been met at the dock with such enthusiasm since we arrived in St Lucia many moons ago.


Me, nervously steering under the Brooklyn Bridge


It's hard to show on camera, but it never looks quite tall enough!

After a very 'drinky' welcome night on Saturday, we went ashore on Sunday for a recovery brunch and to do some shopping. Our plan is to leave on Tuesday, but we may well extend until Wednesday as we would like the opportunity to get some photos of our boat sailing past the Statue of Liberty, while we have Lance, Heather and their two friends, Liam and Andy to act as extra crew as it would be impossible to do with just the two of us on board.
As it turned out, Tuesday afternoon was a horrible, miserable, wet afternoon - I was planning on using the photos from that trip to brighten up this blog, but this was not to be!
We are already looking at the weather forecasts and their does seem to be some bad weather on the way - we will need to be careful and make sure we take proper advice before heading any further south.
To celebrate Lance & Heather's anniversary we had a wonderful meal at the Oyster Bar in Grand Central Station - a firm favourite of all of us. The food was, as ever, amazing - the only real problem is that the menus is so large and everything is so good, that a choice is nearly impossible to make!,
For their last night in NYC we all went to see the Blue Man Group at the Astor Theatre - what a fabulous show!! It is hard to describe it, there is no dialogue at all and the main 'characters' are three blokes painted blue - all very strange, but incredibly funny and entertaining, they had us in stitches!! I won't say too much and spoil it, but if you get the chance to see the show, definitely do!



Heather and I with a 'Blue Man"


Lance & John enjoying an after show pint