Life on Board

David Caukill
Thu 24 Nov 2022 20:23

Thursday 24  November  2022

22o 07.0N  20o 26.0 W

Today's Blog by Terry  (Time zone: UTC )



Meet Terry!


We are well underway now, a bit over 500 nautical miles out of Lanzarote. The familiar sounds, creaks and groans from the boat accompany the sounds and motion of the sea. Also, there are the familiar sounds and phrases among the crew: Here are some examples, in daily order, with which those on onboard will be familiar:


There’s tea in the pot

Time for coffee? Biscuit?

It’s beer o’clock

Ohh!  Lunch – very nice

I’m going for a snooze

Me too!

Afternoon tea anyone? And cake (Lemon Drizzle at the moment!) ?

I thank you.

It’s happy hour!  Any nibbles ?

Dinner One, dinner two…….

Good night, see you at 2


Ad Infinitum …….


These comments along with “Your boat” (i.e. You are on watch!) and -  in the first week - “Whose turn is it to wash up ?”

Now all is routine and everyone knows their place (sic) ……. and time.



Today heralded the the  baptism  of our new fishing gear, (more reports on this later …. I hope).

Here David is showing his brightly coloured lure…..



What self-respecting Dorado can resist that? (The lure, stupid ….the lure!)


But then comes the complication of gybing, our first of the trip, a task requiring the skill and dexterity of all the crew (err… and , in the event, conducted with the speed and agility of a striking slug! : Ed).  So after two hours of fruitless fishing, the gear came back on board and we set to the job. Nearly 45 minutes later, we eventually finished playing with ropes, sheets, guys and poles, (Not exactly a racing gybe - Did David say “Rusty”?) and we are now heading in pretty much the right  direction with good speed for our destination. Time to relax with a late lunch and a beer.


I wonder what tomorrow will bring ?