008.04.14N 098.31.11E Goodbye Thailand

David Batten
Tue 20 Jun 2023 12:16
In the water and with engine fixed by a very helpful Chinese man who happened to let us have the required part from a new engine he had in stock, once we confirmed order and payment for a replacement to be sent from the UK, it was goodbye Boat Lagoon. Not cheap but a good place to leave the boat for 2 years, particularly after a hurried layup. We then joined Kel and Diane for a few delightful days cruising in company in a wonderful Thailand quite restored by the absence of tourists during the Covid period and with still mercifully few compared with pre-Covid times.

Happy Days with Kel and Diane

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Alcedo was loaded onto the Humbergracht on the 31 January, looking very small, Yellow Brick switched on so we could track her progress to Turkey.

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We said goodbye to Kel and Diane after lunch and took a taxi to Phuket, ready to fly home on the following day.