Blog 10. Tuesday 14 May. Ngo Bay. 22.19.26S 166.42.116E

David Batten
Sat 18 May 2019 20:04
Weather forecast not good, but all on board agreed we needed to explore by sea, even if it meant motoring to windward for 18 odd nm. Pretty rough, blowing 15 to 20+ knots on the nose, all as expected. Not expected, a group of paddle boarders going downwind across the main main channel from Isle aux Canards, heading to heaven knows where on the mainland. We went to see if the first one was OK and he gave us the thumbs up, the rest we just watched, particularly the one that had a fin on the board and was almost flying! Weather not suitable for camera, so sorry, no photograph!

We anchored in Bay Ngo, just this side of the Canal Woodin, which provides pretty good shelter from the south easterlies and a break in the windward passage to Prony, a nicer area in the Canal Woodin, our destination. There is a very active mining area around the bay and it has a smart new breakwater, lots of barges, a few tugs and while we were there, a tanker anchored in the entrance. The fish farm is still there, with a couple of motor boats but no sign of action.

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Anchored in Ngo Baie, looking at the new breakwater.

Crew all very tired from the wind and rough seas, so early bed and an reasonably early start to tomorrow.


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