NZ Blog 6b. Islington Bay. 36.47.24S 174.53.87

David Batten
Mon 13 Feb 2017 08:41
Feb 13 Cont.  Yesterday was a bit more cloudy  but pleasant walking weather for the long but fairly easy climb up to the rim of the Volcano on Rangitoto Island.  As described by Lonely planet, the views from the volcano are “sublime” and probably better with a clear blue sky.  We spent about 3 to 4 hours walking altogether.  Well worth it, with a detour to the lava caves and an unplanned detour on the way home due to poor navigation skills and failure to note proper route on the way!
Alcedo anchored in Islington Bay, Motutapu Island in the background
View of Islington Bay from near the top of the crater, Motutapu and Waiheke Islands in the background.
View of Aukland from the volcano rim.  Definitely more rain on the mainland than the islands!
Kate on one of the platforms at the top of the crater.  We were not alone!
And, of course, the birds.  Brown quail, which have discovered picnics are a good source of food at the viewing point...
....and a Tomtit, seen on the way back.
Today it is blowing 20 to 25 knots with forecasted gusts of 30 knots, so we are staying put, Islington Bay being well sheltered with good holding for the wind direction.  A bit rough for going ashore this morning, but we are hoping for the promised moderation this afternoon so going in the dinghy will not require full oilskins!