Blog 22. Mackay. 21.06.70S 149.13.57E

David Batten
Sat 8 Jun 2019 03:37
Saturday 1 June and we are off to the Botanical Gardens, Skipper and Ship’s Boy for long walk exercise, Jane and Skipper’s wife for more twitcher activity.

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Jane in the Botanical Gardens, a very pleasant spot to go walking....

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....and bird watching. How cute is this Australasian Grebe?!

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And these beautifully marked whistling ducks.

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We actually saw these Rainbow Lorikeets on the grass area behind the marina complex on the way home. There are flocks of them round here, making a lot of parrot noise!

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This is the Noisy Friarbird by the marina gate.

So the twitchers had a great time and the walkers walked miles, even though the weather is still far from tropical. For the observant readers of this blog who are not yet bored to sobs by the avian photographs, the photographer omitted to reset the camera to Australian rather than UK date and time.


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