Myrmidon Reef

Lynn & Mike ..around the world
Mike Drinkrow & Lynn v/d Hoven
Fri 26 Sep 2014 08:46
18:16.38s 147:22.74e  Myrmidon Reef
With Martin, Mandy and the kids settled in, we set off on Sunday for our trip from Horseshoe Bay to Myrmidon Reef.  Conditions were perfect for the 65nm trip with low wind and virtually no swell, but it would take us most of the day to get out there.   A long trip like this can be boring for kids, and we set up some movies for them to watch, in between playing their computer games. Martin and Mike spent most of the day on the flying bridge, while Mandy and I read and lazed around.
Although the guests had all taken “sea-sick tablets”, we did have some problems later in the day, with Ryan  puking his heart out and that made the rest of their family feel pretty awful too. 
But we made it to the reef – and what a magnificent place we found!  The water at Myrmidon is a deep blue indigo and visibility seems endless. We were able to slowly edge past huge bommies and see the reef life quite clearly from the boat.
b k r bow    b down on reef
Ryan and Kate on the bow                                                                                                               Looking over the reef
As soon as we had anchored, I grabbed my gear and was in the water in a flash – even more beautiful below.  That evening we had a beautiful sunset, and Mandy managed to see her first “green flash”. Mike cooked up some delicious Dorado and we all had an early night.  The next morning we headed out to the closest bommie to have a dive. And once again we were blown away by the clarity of the water and the beautiful corals in front of us.
b reef reflec
b ready to dive  b yellow 1
Still in wetsuits, even though the water was 25C                                        Large schools of Diagonal Banded Sweetlips
At midday we left Myrmidon and headed back to a reef closer to Magnetic Island – we were a little sad to leave this beautiful place, but wanted to cut the journey back to Magnetic island, into two days.