Photos: What do Indonesian Fishermen do on their days off??

Sea Mist > Sold to New Owners July 2016
John and Cheryl Ellsworth
Thu 4 Oct 2012 05:51

The Race


We left Lombok around 6:45am; it was quiet except for the engine as we had no wind.


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Just enjoying our coffee and a last look at Lombok.


About 30 minutes later we had winds around 21kts apparent and noticed a lot of colour in front of us, which means fishermen and that means you have to dodge them as they have their nets out, very large nets that we all want to miss.  The fishermen have these very interesting boats with colourful sails, some made from bed sheets, others from material that they all have used.  When you see these sails in the distance they look like Portuguese Man of War Jelly Fish.  We do see a lot of fishing boats only this was about 40 or 50 more than we normally see, finally we realized they were racing with each other, probably came from Bali or another island in that direction.  The seas were fairly heavy and these little boats were just flying.



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The Nefertiti



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The Avenger with a great gaping hole!


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The Great Orange Pumpkin with a great tear


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The Butterfly

They just flew by us, some with half a sail, others with a huge tear in the centre, and most had their edges in tatters.  A pretty amazing sight to see all of these small fishing boats racing with other...and the time flew by for us!