Transatlantic table tennis tournament

Wed 25 Nov 2020 12:10
25:56N 24:07W at 10.30GMT, Cog240, wind mostly 20-25kts from astern NE with some gusts to 30knots, Parasailor spinnaker all night with speeds varying 7kts to 16knots on surfs, but making 8-9 knot average this morning in mostly 2m-3m max 4metre seas and bright cloudless sunshine.

The wind has dropped and veered (=moved to coming from more clockwise direction, the opposite of "backing") a touch just now, maybe confirming yesterday grib/forecasts that maybe the bigger 30knot wind is behind us.

Simon Says we should head more south down to latitude 20degrees over the next week, although at these speeds we'll be there in four days or so.
Ruth's "Halfway Party" waypoint is 820nm away at around 20N 38W.

Jess is feeling fine and Aixa briefs Chipi to use up fresh food on this fourth day at sea.

Aixa is on watch now from 10am the day after being a suitably authoritarian Momma, and popped her head round the door to ask if it's okay to turn off the rudder? Arg! And wot? No, don't turn off the rudders, ever! Oh, she means "radar" but in Italian/Spanish accent, jeez. Ruth sez that's gotta go in the blog.

Bigger seas means our/my utter lack of monohull-style boat-packing gets found out, and one or two jars have flown out of their shelves, but no damage. The midships escape hatches both get buried in seawater every so often and still leak a bit, but my Special Gloop (temptingly called "Stay Afloat") has worked well and cut the flow to moppable dribbles.

Ruth and Jess are having a game of table tennis in the saloon. Yes really. 16Euros from the Las Palmas branch of Decathlon, I couldn't resist it. Excellent fun, and not easy with a table (and room) that tilts over each wave.