Normal service resumed

David and Lynn Wilkie
Mon 9 Aug 2010 18:40
41.11.093N  008.42.370W
1st August
Flew from Porto to Liverpool 'courtesy' of Ryanair- flight was fine but why is their website designed to annoy so much?- my elder brother collected us and we were home in Cheshire less than 6 hours after leaving Moonbeam in Povac. Dad is just recently out of hospital but in the circumstances both mum and dad were on good form and we could help with some of my brother's caring duties.Lynn took the train to Glasgow for a couple of days to see her father. After 2 1/2 months aboard it was strange to be in a 'conventional environment again but we realised we were not missing out on anything except family contact.
Back to Moonbeam again and took the efficient metro from Porto airport to Povoa. All appeared well at first glance but apparently there had been forest fires further north and all the boats were covered in black grime. All the new canvas work was dirty and the masts and shrouds were coated. So up the masts and laboriously cleaned down the masts and shrouds before  it all got transferred to the sails; even the halliards and lazy jacks are grubby so I think the sails will inevitably need a good clean although a lot of the dirt was transferred to me and my clothing!  Not long after we returned we heard a shout of 'Lynn' and it was our Dutch friends Rene and Anneka so after dinner a few drinks and laughs were partaken of!
Monday morning we woke to find Moonbeam covered in a yellow dust which is not washing off easily.  Povoa marina id friendly and cheap but the harbour is full of plastic rubbish and to walk to the town means negotiating a waste land. We've got to leave!  Onwards and southwards.
Left Pavoa de Varzin at 13.00 with a light Northerly breeze but for once there was no swell so we made about 4.5 knots goose winged down the coast. I feel we should have liked Povoa but we were glad to leave. We headed just 12 miles down the coast to Leixoes ( appartently pronounced 'Layshonish' but as you cannot understand what the Portuguese say it is academic) which the pilot books describe as a grubby harbour are generally off putting. There is a marina but as we were planning to leave early we just anchored off. A police boat told us to go ashore with passports and ships papers and when we said we were not going ashore he said there would be a 'collision' in 120 minutes! Somewhat puzzled I assumed he meant he would come back and see us but 10 minutes later there was an underwater 'explosion' from one of the dredgers! The harbour is busy with 3 dredgers working, large ships coming and going and plenty of noise but it has character.