No wind

Wed 5 Aug 2009 13:50
14:19S 159:02W       
A long slow day today, very little, 4 kts of wind, so sails down and motoring all day. We stopped for a swim this morning, but only after I had hung both children off the boom and into the water, so they could drag beside the boat. It was lovely to get into the water and cool off for a while.
The morning radio shed showed us that VH has motored ahead, they are trying to get in tomorrow evening, so are going full blast, and the other boat that was behind us has also been motoring at full speed, so they are now ahead. We have continued at economical speeds, so as hopefully to have fuel on the other side of Surravovv, still have 180nm to run as I write this at 0300.
Ina haas just woken me, so she is now in bed, and I am looking out over a sea that is not broken by a single wave, but there are two swells that every once in a while combiine to lift and drop us about 35ft, you only really notice, if you are actually watching, inside the boat is quite comfortable.
Lots of writting for the kids homework today, plus long negotiatioins regarding both the name, ad type of dog that we will get when we get home. Not too sure of the outcome.The kids are great, despite our tremendous rate of advance, 4 kts, there has not been a single question about are we nearly there, they have simply gotten on with life, and whereever we are is it. What a great concept. Do so wish we did not have to go back!