Baquerico Moreno, Wreck Bay, San Cristobal, Galapagos

Paul and Catherine Davis
Mon 16 Apr 2012 22:56
00:53.74S 89:36.82W
At 13.00 we turned the engine off and appreciated the well protected natural harbour, recognizing some familiar boats anchored here. Our German friends from 'Moin' are still here but we did not see them yet.
Paul had a relapse and felt quite rough all night and day, so he is now happily tucked up in a freshly made bed for an uninterrupted night sleep, which should hopefully give him a speedy recovery to enjoy this beautiful place.
We are surrounded by seals. Watching them is truly uplifting!
We were welcomed by Pablo, our agent who organised  three officials to board our vessel in the afternoon. After quarantine, clearance, national park fees and immigration (with very pleasant people) I was able to stay ashore for a little and met more friendly, relaxed and welcoming locals. This is the administrative centre of the Galapagos Islands and has a very gentile and peaceful feel.
Fresh fruit and veg are cheaper than in England; so when I returned aboard with apples, grapes and other goodies, Paul's eyes lit up.
We are restricted to stay in this anchorage for our stay in the Galapagos and have a maximum of 20 days. There is so much to see and we are really excited about it all.