Another day in La Coruna

Tom Fenton and Faith Ressmeyer
Fri 17 Aug 2012 05:15
After four days of finishing repairs to the boat, cleaning, provisioning and tidying up (and a bit of sightseeing) ,we hoped to set sail south today. But the weather outside this sheltered bay is still unfriendly (rough seas and strong winds) so we will enjoy the sunshine here for another day, and, marvellous to relate, a fourth night here is free.
It has been fiesta week here. We arrived in the middle of the the Tall Ships Race. About 15 square riggers were moored in the harbour and we joined the enormous crowds admiring them from the quay. The next day they went out to sail around the bay in what seemed a sort of demonstration. It was spectacular. We missed the start of the race on Tuesday because we were being launched at last, but Tuesday evening we saw the most impressive firework display as La Coruna went into the Festival of the Assumption of the BVM.
This is fun. But we are keen to get sailing again. T&F
Tom Fenton
49 Manor Road
Essex CO7 9LN

07740 928369
01206 825188