The Magic Bracelets

Take Off
Jörgen Wennberg
Sun 24 Dec 2017 17:00
Inspired by Lars Hedman’s guests on Sandvita who knew how to do these bracelets and pushed on by Tonton Freddy to make these bracelets for his Volvo Ocean Race’s colleagues, Alex & Inez got a job!

We bought the material, they made the bracelest and we helped them finish off the final touch. Alex & Inez sold them for €10 and made approximately €250!

Learning how to do them.


Preparing for the bracelet making


Tonton Freddy, Daddy and Henrik helping with the final touch.


Voilà! The results!


Happy for the results!

Alex and Inez writing their diary 

Every day is a new look



View over Table Mountain from Melbrooksstrand and a surfer transporting himself on a…. skateboard!