Loch Boisdale, South Uist 57:09.239N 007:18.031W

Frans & Sarah Toonen
Thu 18 Jul 2013 22:19
Thursday 18/713. Wind SW 3 to 4. Precipitation: None. Visibility: Poor to moderate at first but then blazing sunshine, Scotland at last getting some of the UK weather.

Huge genoa performing well today, beam reach and getting 7 knots through the water from 10 knots of wind over a flat sea - go Pelagia. Covered the 35 nautical miles in a respectable 8 hours even though we persisted with 1 knot per hour in the fog early on. 

DOLPHINS……AT LAST. Yippee, about 20 of them escorted by gannets. 

The mountains peaks of South Uist looked good through the mist, we wish we could have seen Skye on the way as the Cullins are huge but it was all fogged in as was Canna. Easy mooring in the Loch disturbed only by the diggers and truck on the tiny island of Eilean Dubh. We visited the only hotel for haggis and salmon and all the local gossip, we found out the earth moving is the start of a marina which is to be built on the little island and joined to the village by a causeway. Completes 2015, wow and all for about 20 yachts, hope the EU is paying for it and not our Scottish tax paying relatives. 

Dolphins - honest

On approach to Loch Boisdale