17:00N 28:30W Fish and spinnakers, champagne and whisky .....

Oboe D'Amore's Web Diary
Nigel Backwith
Tue 2 Dec 2008 02:48

Our luck finally changed yesterday evening, and the first fish came aboard Oboe. Two huge Dorado last night and another first thing this morning have left the crew feeling even better fed than usual. More light winds today presented Mike with an opportunity to give the rest of us a master class in spinnaker handling, and we kept up a very respectable 6-7 knots until the wind died completely late this afternoon and it was time to ‘test the propeller’ again. Nigel seems to have spent most of his day in the galley, and managed to surpass a delicious Dorado lunch with a truly magnificent dinner in celebration of Iona’s birthday. Champagne aperitifs followed by stuffed roast pork and mash followed by iced sponge cake and fresh mango followed by whisky digestifs. This crew member has rarely eaten so well at home, and never at sea. All the excitement seems to have got the better of John, who was spotted shaving and beautifying himself before coming on watch at 0400 today!
