Web Diary page 28-30th September 2007

Mon 8 Oct 2007 00:11
LADY LIV WEB DIARY PAGE 28-30 SEPTEMBER 2007                                REGGIO, CALABRIA POSITION  38:07.61N   15:39.10E
After the horrendous couple of days previous we decided to R&R for a time in Roccella Ionica - a free marina in a picturesque location, with free water !  Who could ask for more??   In the first 24hour period, we managed to sleep for 16 hours, desperately making up the rest that we needed. Then we needed to eat !  We explored town, found the bar, the bank and the supermarket, also the internet place to check the weather forecasts - the forecasts had not been accurate for our Greek-Italian passage so we were wary !   The entrance to Roccella Ionica marina is quite a dodgy one - in the pilot book, it warns of shallow entrance, hidden rocks and difficult swells - we were fortunate but had to pick our way through the shallows (down to less than a metre under the keel at one point), and avoid an underwater rock in the approach whilst following a transit line in that almost put you on the beach ...  you will see from the images, that one unlucky boat didn't get the approach right !!
Rested, fed and relaxed, we left Roccella on the 30th and headed up towards the toe of Italy (from the heel..) towards Reggio, a port right on the Straits of Messina.   An 11 hour uneventful motorsail (ish) and we arrived in the dark into a busy commercial harbour which looked most uninviting.  The Straits are a very busy traffic area, being a main east/west route in the Med,  and the hundreds of lights, flashing and fixed, reminded M of her Day Skipper night sail on the Solent ... but a little warmer of course. Moored alongside a harbour wall in a very dingy looking harbour and settled in for the night.