Flinders Island

Hove Too
David and Caroline Adams
Thu 17 Jan 2013 07:26

Not sure we would be good travel writers, we would run out of superlatives very quickly.
Today we borrowed a 4 wheel drive from John Bryson's son-in-law Peter and drove around the island. He told us the best bits and away we went.
Awesome! Lovely day so safe to leave Hove Too at the dock and each new bay and hill was just mind blowing. I asked the harbor master what was wrong with this place as we couldn't believe nobody was here, his words or something similar was "When it blows, it blows like x?!@." But that's nothing compared to the sights. One person said they get upset if they see foot prints on the beach they're on. We saw hardly anybody, few cars and the few you see you gotta wave or you're on the outer.
Last night we were attacked at the dock by squid, just keen to get caught. Kids, old ladies, they're all in on the slaughter. Tonight is my turn?
Early start tomorrow as wind supposed to go west then south west and blow like.........? So heading to Bay of Fires to check that out.