Blog #6 Sardines 48:43.54N 003:58.6W

Simon and Sally, Nigel and Catherine
Thu 24 Aug 2023 19:38
The problem with arriving early in the morning at a busy port like St Peterport in Guernsey, as we did yesterday, inevitably means that we end up with later arrivals blocking our exit! 

We moved outside of a Dutch yacht, who balked at our 6am departure and all seemed fine. However, our plan was foiled at the last moment when a late arriving yacht full of young French sailors needed somewhere to stop, and outside us was the only option apparently! I don’t think they were very impressed at having to be up before sunrise to release Cassini but that was what they had to do! 

With winds forecast in the right direction and at a good strength we were hopeful of a good passage to Roscoff …….as ever the forecast was wrong. We engined for 5 hours with no significant blow but on the plus side the predicted rain didn’t appear. 

Eventually we put out our 2 biggest sails and maintained a good speed for a few hours.

A pod of dolphins was spotted on the port bow but we didn’t manage any photos this time…… next time.

We have confirmation that the French immigration authorities have received our emailed forms and are to report to their office, clutching our passports, and boat papers at 9am tomorrow.

Winds as ever are fickle and blow up and die away in minutes, necessitating reefing up and down and finally needing the engine on! There is always something for Simon to be adjusting!

Weather has been distinctly grey and overcast today.

Arrived Roscoff at 18.20BST, 12 hours after we left Guernsey. Staying here 2 nights as we can’t do the immigration paperwork in time to leave and catch the critical tidal window at Channel de Four, so tomorrow is a day off😃 for exploration.


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