On our way again and it ain't half hot mum......

andromeda of plymouth
Susan and Andrew Wilson
Fri 3 Dec 2010 13:20
15:57.46N 26:43.4W
Hot hot hot, its surely is hot today.  We woke to blue cloudles skies and the heat slowly building. Last night seemed very busy.with a couple of sail plan changes but everyone got some sleep.  We left the Cape Verdes in the distance some time in the afternoon and the wind picked up as evening drew close. We had about 3 different yachts around us during the night, not closed enough to se who thy were but close enough to keep and eye on. and then this morning a big tanker in the distance - just where we like them to be.  The radio sparks into life every now and then but not with anyone we know so far, that will change I am sure.  Day 3 on the advent calendar and Phil's turn to open the dorr, hope the chocolate doesn't melt.No more wildlife sightings so far. And I have just realised why its a bit tricky writing this, I have my sunnies on. So back up on to deck and the cool breeze coming over the sides and a bit of a cool down with an ice cole pepsi I think.
more in due course
Andrew & Susan
S/V Andromeda